Kerry c.

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Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Über Kerry c.

45 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hi, I'm Kerry from England. I'm 39 years old and an academic skills teacher for international university students in the UK and overseas, so when I'm working it's only during either university semesters or the summer period. My job is very flexible, and I often have long periods free to travel.
I'm a huge dog lover, but my nomadic lifestyle doesn't allow me to have one of my own. For me, taking care of other people's dogs is a huge pleasure, so a house sit with a dog is a bonus for me! My family has always had dogs and I have house/dog sat for a large home and boisterous boxer dog for one year previously. I have also volunteered at dog rescue centres, taking care of a great variety of different breeds. Unfortunately I'm allergic to cats, so I can't house sit for homes with cats.
I am very clean and extremely tidy, so I would take care of a home carefully. Although I am happy to water the plants etc, I would not call myself green fingered, so I'm probably not a good match for long term house sits with high maintenance gardens.
My mum may occasionally come with me on all or part of house sits. She is incredibly clean and house proud and does have those green fingers! She is also a huge dog lover with 2 beautiful rescue dogs of her own.
I am available from 10th September 2018 until mid-January 2019, as I am taking a well- earned break from work!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Rosemarie, 68 Jahre alt, Retired- Manager previously, Elternteil

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