Nadine k.

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Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Über Nadine k.

40 Jahre alt | IT Security Consultant

++ Hablamos espanol ++ Nous parlons francais ++ Wir sprechen deutsch ++

Dear house and pet owners,
Hope this message finds you well.

We are Nadine and David and we are currently travelling the world together. Originally, we are from Germany/ Austria (Nadine) and from Switzerland (David). We are both 34 years old and until recently lived in beautiful Vienna, Austria.

After our studies and some years of working [see below] we now entered a new phase in our life as long term travellers. In the course of this journey we would love to use the opportunity of doing house and pet sitting - obviously to save money, too, but mainly because we do not want to rush through some checklist destinations but rather want to really "arrive"at places, enjoy the opportunity to spend time with animals and the local community rather than just passing by.

Nadine works remotely for a german wedding agency (Marketing, Research and Administration) - another reason for us to look for long term accomodation. Therefore we can also assure you that we will spend considerable time at your home and with your furry loved ones. We have been housesitting before so be assured that we will take very good care of your house and garden, we can clean your pool, water plants, harvest fruits etc.
We love animals, had many ourselves [dogs, cats, birds, fish], and as we wont have any with us while travelling it would be great to at least sporadically take care of some pets during our journey (and spoil them a much as you allow us to). Besides pet sitting we are volunteering in shelters as often as possible (like right now we are on Cozumel Island in Mexico). David has many years of experience with big dogs and Nadine is used to handle the german sheppard of her mother, too. So please be assured we are not at all afraid but rather used to taking care of strong dogs.

We are both very conscious when it comes to social media. We want to emphasize this point so you can be sure that we will not post fotos or locations of your home anywhere! And obviously we will not have people over at your property or throw parties or such! If we cannot meet upfront we would be happy to set up Skype dates with you so you can get to know us. Also, if you have friends in your local area that you want to come by at some point during our stay to see if everthing is fine is no problem at all!

Some more background information about us:
Since her studies (Sociology and Economics), Nadine has been working as

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, 40 Jahre alt, Hospitality Expert, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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