Sandra k.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Sandra k.

45 Jahre alt | film restorer

Hi, we`re a couple. Sandra is a restorer of motion picture film and Phaedro is a Voice actor and musician. We travel a lot around the world and always looking for nice places where we can be creative and hang out in nature.
We have our own flat in Berlin, so we know how it is, if somebody else stays in your property.
And we know how important it is, that this „someone“ values your property.
On our vacations we have made very nice experiences with other private-stay-platforms and we appreciate this opportunity to actually live in a neighborhood like a resident.?While we discover the world we need „accommodation“ and with this platform we have a win-win situation.
You need somebody who takes care of your flat/ house, we get the possibility to stay at a place and actually live at places we find interesting.
If you have a garden or a pet, we will take care of them.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
phaedro (thomas), 6 Jahre alt, Voice actor, musician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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