Jenny t.

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Mesachie Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Jenny t.

43 Jahre alt | Special Education Assistant

We are a homeschooling family of four who love animals and travel. We have three cats of our own that we leave in the loving care of house sitters when we are away. I work online as a special education support person. Our 17 year old twins, Anya and Sophia do their school online so wifi is necessary. It also means we are home for large chunks of time and appreciate the company of animals!

We are home owners and well versed in the care and up keep required as well as being able to quickly problem solve when issues pop up.

In our neighbourhood we have looked after the pets of others, cats, dogs, geckos, birds and fish.

We have travelled with my mom and helped her house/pet sit, (with the owners permission). We enjoyed Christmas in France with a lovely dog in 2019/2020 and looked after a stone cottage in Ireland in 2018/2019.

We are all double vaccinated and ready to travel.

Sometimes it is just us three girls if my husband is away at work.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nathan, Miner, Ehepartner / Partner
Anya, student, Kind
Sophia, student, Kind

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