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Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Über Sophia

39 Jahre alt | Business Owner/ Face Yoga Instructor

Hello and Thank you for checking out my profile! I had no idea something like Nomdador existed until a few days ago... which brings me to tell you why I'm on here in the first place. For the last 5 years I've been travelling around the world. I've been to every continent and have always come back to Toronto ( my home base- born and raised). During my travels I sublet . This summer I was planning on leaving to Portugal in September. However some work related things came up and I've decided to stay for the next 6 months to 1 year. I had already set up the sublet for September with an old family friend for the beginning of the month. So as of September 1st I will staying at my Mothers condo downtown. I LOVE my Mom, but there is no extra bed so I'll be crashing on the couch and could really do for some privacy so I can focus on my work in quiet.

My availability is mid to long term, but I am also open to some short term if it's not overly short.

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Dieppe, France - Januar 2019

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