Michelle s.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Michelle s.

43 Jahre alt | writer

I am a calm, curious and independent woman with a love for life and all living. My adventurousness has brought me around the globe, living and working on five different continents, and has given me great experiences and a wider perspective to perceive my reality from. It is imperative to me to keep learning and evolving and I find it works well with moving geographically as well -meeting other people, experiencing different things and gaining more insights and new inspiration.
After working in offices for more than a decade I decided to do something different, and after six years I am about to finish my master in philosophy of education. I live in an apartment in central Copenhagen where I enjoy the cultural and social scenes. During my studies I have been home-sitting in Denmark, primarily for longer periods of time in two households, and I am joining Nomador to make international connections. I will be writing my thesis over that next year, and as I seem to be in my element in nature I prefer housesitting in rural areas -but I am comfortable in the city as well as in remote locations .

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