Johanna m.

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Duluth, Minnesota, United States

Über Johanna m.

28 Jahre alt | Artist/House Sitter

Hi! I'm Johanna!

I'm a recent college grad and an artist.

Here are some helpful things to know about me:

I really love to travel! In the past 3 years, I've lived in 5 different states, traveling often for college, summer jobs, an AmeriCorps term, and visiting my parents back home in between. I'm really excited to see the new and interesting places house sitting brings me to!

Because I'm moving around so much, I've been really missing having pets around. I grew up in a house full of dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, and fish, volunteered at a local animal shelter throughout high school, and take advantage of any friend or college professor who has pets! I would love to be able to spend time loving and caring for your pets.

So far as a house sitter I have spent 3 weeks in Ohio caring for 2 dogs, 4 days in North Carolina caring for 2 cats and a flock of chickens, and 9 days in Minnesota with 1 dog. I'm currently in New Mexico watching a house, a kitty, and an Airbnb.

Overall, I'm a really quiet, calm person. I don't get stressed too easily, and a peaceful walk on the weekends or a quiet night in with a book sounds perfect to me.

I can provide contact information from my previous house sits as well as from past employers and landlady. I have also held several jobs working with children that required I passed a background check before being hired.

I am always happy to talk over specifics and answer any questions (over messaging, phone, Skype, etc.!)

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