Katharina s.

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Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria

Über Katharina s.

38 Jahre alt | Social worker

We are family of four (Sam, Kathi and our children Nora and Nina) and we have been traveling the world for 4.5 years as a family. Sam worked in IT-consulting/management and is now a certified Yoga teacher, massage therapist and TEFL certified English teacher. Kathi worked as a social worker/women's counsellor and is now a certified running trainer, TEFL certified English teacher and studying to become a health and fitness trainer, We enjoy meeting new people, seeing different cultures and lifestyles and get inspired by it. During our travels we got to see and learn so many new things and we are excited we get to discover this beautiful world. Every now and then we dream about having our own farm with chickens, goats, fish or other animals, but so far our traveling drive has kept us from doing that. We sometimes stayed at farms to help out with gardening and we thought becoming home-sitters might help us in living this dream for a bit of time now and then. Growing up Sam had a dog at home for 10 years, Kathi had an aquarium with fish, but since we don't have a permanent home, we are not able to have a pet. Especially Nora gets really excited when we live in a home with a dog, cats, or gets to touch cows or goats on the streets of India ;) We enjoy having a clean, happy and positive home and try to make every place we stay in that.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Samdani, 48 Jahre alt, Yoga teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
Nora, 7 Jahre alt, Kind
Nina, 4 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Hindi

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