Kym m.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Über Kym m.

54 Jahre alt | professor of philosophy

My partner and I are both professors --in philosophy. We have a 9 year old daughter. We're animal lovers, but can't have our own dogs or horses at the moment because we travel too much, so we are especially interested in house-sitting arrangements with pets, so that we might live the dream for a few days or longer!

I grew up with dogs, was a professional dog-walker while I was doing my PhD, and fostered rescue dogs. We've had lots of other pets, too, including cats, fish, and rats.

For anyone with horses that need care: I also have worked with horses for a large portion of my life. I have groomed, ridden, and mucked barns for some of the best riders and trainers in North America: Chris Kappler, Anne Kursinski, Mac Cone, Jay Hayes, Wayne McLellan, Frank Madden and Bill Cooney. When I first graduated from the junior ranks (riding with Wayne McLellan), I joined Lisa Carlsen and we ran our own hunter-jumper barn (Trademark Farms) for a bit: I worked primarily with the junior hunters and Lisa with the jumpers and adult hunters. I’ve never been great in the showring (I used to freeze a bit under pressure), but outside of the showring I feel like I won a couple of honors: George Morris told me that I did a great job riding Chris Kappler’s jumpers; and Geoff Teall said that I had the best hands in West Palm Beach. So I can ride okay. And I’ve certainly learned how to run a barn as the owners want it to be run. Now that I'm a full time professor, I just ride a couple of times a week for fun, and because I love being around horses and sharing that with my daughter.

My daughter is currently doing walk, trot, canter, and learning to trot into and canter down a line of jumps. She’s a gutsy rider, and very good at following directions. We’d especially love to sit for a farm with a pony or horse that she might love and groom and play with and ride; and one or two creatures with four legs that I could ride, too.

We have sublet our house for a year, before, while we were away on sabbatical, and so we know how important it is to have reliable and conscientious people staying in your home. Given the chance, the three of us would take very, very careful care of your home, property, and pets (horses, dogs, cats, rabbits,… we might need some training to care for cows and pigs, but we’re game there, too). For long term arrangements, we would need some time to work on our writing projects, but we would constantly be around to keep your pets co

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, Professor, Ehepartner / Partner
Nella, Animal Lover, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Bettina k.

Surbourg, France - Dezember 2019

The first time we tried Nomador, and the best choice ever ! Our animals had really a good time, everything looked great when we came back ! And its not easy with so many advices for plants, cats, dogs, horses . I am really glad to meet so great people , we had the chance to spend two days together with our housesitters befor leaving, which made us a being a little bit like friends. Hope to meet them again ! ( and they really speak good french )

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