Giuliana d.

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Rada Tilly, Chubut Province, Argentina

Über Giuliana d.

35 Jahre alt | Traveler and others.

Hi! My name is Giuliana, I’m 29 years old and. I’m single and plannig to travel around the world. But not as a tourist, I prefere traveling slowly, meeting people from each place, learning about their customs and their traditional way of living. Staying long term in each place.

Although I was born in a small beach village (named Rada Tilly), the last 10 years I have been living in Córdoba, an important city of Argentina. I studied Architecture, Yoga teacher, Ayurveda Massage, and took many classes of nutrition and healthy eating. I choose a healthy lifestyle. I’m not a smoker.

I also bring with me the experience of being a responsible homeowner. In my house i have many plants inside and outside. I love spending time with them keeping them pretty. I have also experienced growing my own food. I’ve been living during 4 months in a place named Espacio Depurativo, a place of resting and healing where I learned about ornamental and food gardens.

I love the company of animals, I own a dog and a cat (India and Almendra). My parents take care of them while i’m traveling. I always feel that they’re part of my family and treat them with love and patience. So i’ll follow your instruction on their particular needs and care.

In my free time I enjoy cooking new recipies, drawing,, studying, taking photos, running, riding bike. I love making pottery, specially pots, bowls, cups, and things for home. I have a special compromise with the art of tyding houses, organizing each space so they inspire serenity and renewed energy.

My hope now is to bring you peace while you’re out and take special care of your house and family.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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