Gina c.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Über Gina c.

62 Jahre alt | Vessel Traffic Controller

We are an Australian couple in retirement, who have been fortunate enough to have already travelled extensively throughout Australia and the wider world. We have now reached the stage where we would prefer to be temporary residents of places that we visit rather than tourists. We are looking forward to that being our experience as trusted house sitters. Gina's diverse work experience has included controlling aircraft and shipping movements, managing rental properties, light house operator and managing a communications network in the Antarctic at Australian Antarctic Division Stations. Colin is a retired Army Officer who has also more recently managed a small business providing general maintenance services to private homes and commercial properties. Along the way we have owned and managed a small lifestyle farm on which we had loads of practical experience feeding various types of animals and using and maintaining farm machinery and equipment. We are animal lovers and have had plenty of experience looking after various domestic pets and farm animals. For the past five years we (and our terrier 'Darcy') have divided our time between our rural property in the Macedon Ranges and apartment living in inner city Melbourne. We feel equally comfortable in both environments. Whilst work, our gardens, travel and Darcy account for most of our time, we also enjoy regularly helping friends who operate commercial Dog Boarding Kennels. Our work in the kennels has taught us a good deal about preparing healthy food for dogs and has included giving injections to diabetic animals. We are very confident and comfortable looking after all types of dog; large and small, old and young, fit and infirmed. As for property management, we are confident we can meet any challenge. Gina has previously owned and operated a caravan park and worked as a property manager in Queensland. Colin has also had his own maintenance business servicing a number of multi storey residential properties in Melbourne. Should any problem occur whilst we are sitting your property we will be able to (depending on your preference): fix it ourselves; arrange for repairs; or take the most appropriate action to manage the problem whilst awaiting your instructions.

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