Antonella b.

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Pueblo Esther, Santa Fe Province, Argentina

Über Antonella b.

25 Jahre alt | Student

I'm Antonella. I'm a Medicine student and, with my mom, Stella, and boyfriend, Matias, love to travel around the world, and do it taking care of animals and houses seems a pretty good way of enjoy even more the experience of getting to know a new place.

We try to fit our vacations in my free time, considering I have finals several times a year. I love cooking and baking in my free time and I usually spent a lot of time reading and playing with my dog. Neither my boyfriend or I love partying, we are more the kind of young adults who rather stay at home, watching a movie and eating something homecooked. Also we love to spent time doing gardening and being outdoor.

We try to keep on travelling and recently we've discovered the amazing world of House Sitting, and we want to try and see if it fits with us. So, please give us a chance and we won't let you down!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Stella Maris, 64 Jahre alt, Senior, Elternteil
Matías, 27 Jahre alt, Student, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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