Cecile b.

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Portland, Maine, United States

Über Cecile b.

24 Jahre alt | Travel Agent

I am a young traveler and digital nomad. Before I started traveling full time, I worked many jobs, including as a pet/house sitter, taking care of many different dogs and cats, as well as people's homes, while they went away. Now, I work online remotely for a company called Pana, a startup corporate travel agency based out of Denver, CO.

Since I work online, I am available year-round to house-sit around the world, and also able to work from home (as long as there's a good wifi connection) to take extra care of pets. Also, for those who love their garden and want to make sure it doesn't go without love while they're away, I have worked on a farm and grown-up gardening, so I'm happy to help!

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