Tina l.

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Prague, Oklahoma, United States

Über Tina l.

30 Jahre alt | office manager

We are couple 25 (me-Tina) and 30 years old Tomas. I am office manager in building company and he is something like IT technician and support for electronical devices. We really love traveling around the world, like hiking, via ferrata, rafting or during winter skiing and snowboarding. Every time when it is possible we are going out of city and enjoying nature.
Like a part time job we are driving cars for car rental company, doing dog sitting (I am a dog sitter for 8 years). I am trying to help dog shelters aroung Prague and doing temporarily care of animals from shelter. It means that I také care of animal - most often dogs or cats. They live in my home anw waiting for a new owners. :-) I like it because I help animals to start trust people again.
We both are very kind, responsible, confidential, housebroke. Tomas is very versed. He is able to take care of garden and if pop-up some kind of trouble he can repair it.
Easy he is for technicial things and I am there for animals. :-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tomas, 35 Jahre alt, IT expert and technical support for IT devices, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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