Victoria r.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Victoria r.

29 Jahre alt | Online Marketing Manager

About me as a sitter
Hello, I am Vicy and working in Berlin. Thanks to my job I am able to work from all over the world and would love to take that chance. I do not want to stay at a hotel or a hostel and be just a tourist. I want to get the feeling how YOU are living, experience your culture and mostly spend time in your area with your pets - if you have them obviously.

For my free time, I love the outdoors and also the ocean, especially going diving. Indoors is for cozy days, when I can spend time with my cat - love of my life. Oh, I know,... it's cheesy. But all you catlovers will perfectly understand, don't you?

Why I want to house sit
Originally I was looking for someone who would housesit at my apartment in Berlin and take care for my cat. He spent his whole life with me and he is my little baby, although he is an old cat. And I know how hard it is to find someone you can trust. Trust is earn really hard and I believe it is a gut feeling. And I would recommend everyone else who is looking for a house or pet sitter to trust their own feeling.

My experience
I am an total animal lover and absolutely passionate about cats. I know when a cat needs their time and I can read their faces although I heard some people dont see a difference - crazy, right? And as a house sitter I've already received postive feedback. Mostly because I respect the home of other people and leave it even cleaner as I found it.

What can I bring to the assignment
I am a very clean, responsible person, who is always prepared very well and is very good at organising. Also I have house and pet sit at friends' friends. I know exactly how to handle a cat, but also have the needed sensitive aspect for all other animals.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Bruno, 29 Jahre alt, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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