Ashley h.

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Boulder, Colorado, United States

Über Ashley h.

37 Jahre alt | Web Developer

Hi! I am excited to be a part of the house-sitting world. I work remotely full-time, so am at home the majority of the day. I am looking for longer term arrangements (1 month or more.) I am passionate about exploring the world around me, and using my ability to work remote to do just that!

I have 6 months experience housesitting for a home with 2 dogs, 2 cats, and many plants. I am happy to help with all animals, and all household chores as needed. If plants need care, detailed instructions on their watering schedule are appreciated.

Outside of the house, I am passionate about Crossfit, trail running, and generally just enjoying what nature has to offer. I am always looking for ways to be more creative outside of the physical means (drawing, writing, and whatever else I discover along the way :)

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