Brigitte DD

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Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Brigitte DD

72 Jahre alt | Journalist - freelancer | Als Paar/Duo

House-sitters wanted?

It's us! ..... Get to know us as we will carefully look after your home and your pets while you would be on a trip or a longer stay abroad. Opend minded, we are very interested in other people, approachable and trustworthy and ever-growing searching for fascinating experiences and natural sites. We have been spending lots of time working abroad and getting familiar to different cultures. And now that we have done our educational work and successfully completed our professional activities for a longer time, we don't want to rest and are drawn out into the world again and again.

Positive thinking, fit, initiative and in good mood and shape, authentic people, a reliable and trustworthy team, somehow a stylish couple, open to exciting topics - getting involved - with a maximum of flexibility and cultural empathy- true Europeans. Curious to find out?

Due to the COVID period preventing us from travelling we only did a few house- sittings:
December 2019 in Spain - May 2021 in the Champagne -
August and December 2021 House-sittings in Montpellier and Marseille as well as Uzès in January 2022

May and July 2022 house-sittings in Luxembourg and Strasbourg

August 2022 house-sitting in a paradisiacal environment at the Isère (La Drôme) surrounded by fruit and vegetable cultivation in a unique country estate on a spacious site directly on the banks of the Isère. Two wonderful Swiss shepherds guard the grounds. We quickly grew fond of them, a great pleasure.

August 2023 once again house-sitting at the same property and a happy reunion with the dogs and their family.

April/May 2024 cat and house-sitting, two adorable cats and a charming villa in the south of Montpellier close to the sea (7 km) - metropolis and sea, ideal combination

And now: We stay on topic and keep our eyes open. Contact us if you are planning a trip for the end of August or September. We are flexible and ready to travel quickly. Looking forward to interesting places all over Europe - new experiences and getting to know exciting people.

Brigitte & Klaus

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Klaus, 75 Jahre alt, HR Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Deutsch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patricia p.

Marseille, France - Januar 2022

Bien mieux que de simples "home-sitter"! Brigitte et Klaus sont de merveilleuses personnes, attentives, curieuses et généreuses. Quel plaisir de les avoir rencontré! Perly a eu beaucoup de chance de passer tout ce temps auprès d'eux!

Brigitte V.

Montpellier, France - Oktober 2021

J'ai été enchantée par le home sitting de Brigitte et Klaus. Tout s'est bien déroulé. J'ai passé avec eux un moment très agréable de partage et de discussion avant mon départ et à mon retour. Ils ont été très autonomes, m'ont donné des nouvelles de Myrtille mon chat. J'ai très apprécié de retrouver ma maison ainsi que ma cour impeccables. J'ai eu la bonne surprise de découvrir de nouvelles plantes qui ont étoffé celles existantes. Myrtille était en pleine forme. Je remercie encore Brigitte et Klaus Je recommande donc très vivement Brigitte et Klaus en tant que home sitter

Olaf h.

Courtagnon, France - Juni 2021

.Brigitte et Klaus furent d-excellents home sitters. Dés leur arrivée, nous avons constaté qu'Hannibal notre chat allait se sentir bien avec eux. Excellent et amical contact dés les premiers appels.Ils nous ont laissé la maison dans un état impeccable. Nous les recommandons chaudement. Un très grand merci. Nous aurons grand plaisir à vous revoir.


Januar 2020

What a lovely couple Brigitte and Klaus are. They are extremely efficient and left the house totally immaculate, even with lovely gifts for us when we got home. They are very good communicators and I would trust them with my house and pets any time in the future.

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