Silvija s.

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Koprivnica, Koprivnica-Križevci County, Croatia

Über Silvija s.

44 Jahre alt | Business Manager / TV host

Hello! I'm am Silvija, an Croatian/German woman who enjoys travelling the world and experiencing life on another way. I have been working in cruise industry which gave me opportunity to work and travel a lot, but also a lack of the time to explore the destination I find appealing. Usually I am working on the cruise ship for 7 months and after I have 2 months of. Since I would like to spend my vacation in various countries around the world I believe housesitting is great chance for me to spend some time away and still to feel a bit like home away. If you have pets, that would be awesome cuz I like to cuddle, I always used to have pets of my own. Due to my work, unfortunately I don't have a possibility to be a pet owner. If you decide to leave your homes in my hands, I do promise I will take care of your house as if it is my own. I am extremely tidy, reliable and able to commit to be a good sitter :) When having a free time, I like to take a long walks, exploring new places and tasting food. And that's pretty much all...

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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