Susanne K.

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Sandy Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada

Über Susanne K.

60 Jahre alt | accountant

My name is Sue and my husband Ben and I are semi retired, non smokers and our schedule is very flexible.
We live in beautiful Nova Scotia on the Bay of Fundy and love it here, but since we have friends and family in England Germany and the US we like to travel and it would be lovely to combine our love of animals with some seeing the sites.
We love animals, cats, dogs, birds and reptiles, I had three cockatiels and two budgies when I was younger, tortoises and frogs and loved them all.
12 years ago we rescued a cat and with a lot of patience and love we could finally touch and pet her and she slowly changed into a loving companion.
We did not travel much then, because of her, but sadly she has passed on now.

Our experience with caring for animals are with our own, for relatives and friends and we are on some house sitter sites and enjoy that very much, we also have several references and reviews on other sites as well.

We will treat your animals as if it would be our own, respect, love and take care of them and follow the instructions we are given.
We are tidy and organized people and will treat your home as if it would be ours.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ben, 62 Jahre alt, aircraft mechanic, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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