Matthias e.

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Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

Über Matthias e.

33 Jahre alt | civil engineer


I'm Matthias from Switzerland. Last summer I graduated from ETH Zürich in Switzerland as civil engineer. Since September 2019 I am travelling through Norway, do some hands-on work from time to time and enjoy this beautiful country.

I had the opportunity to work for a few months at a Bed & Breakfast in Kristiansand, where I did maintenance work at cabins, built a terrace and took care of guests. Afterwards I was travelling up to the Northern part of Norway and found a new challenge. At the moment I'm working as snowmobile-guide in the LyngenAlps, where I can work in the nature and with people.

Norway is fascinating me since I have been to this country the first time. In Switzerland I worked as a sports teacher and I was an athletics instructor for several years. I speak native German, fluent English and I have a good command of Norwegian and French.

I am a reliable, committed, social and careful person. This makes me a great fit as a house-sitter. I would be very happy to take care of your house.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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