Virginia i.

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San Francisco, Cordoba, Argentina

Über Virginia i.

34 Jahre alt | veterinary assistant

Hi!! My name is Virginia and I am Argentina. Together with my cousins ??Elina and Enzo we are going to travel to Europe for the first time. It will be our first experience taking care of pets in another country. I have an Italian passport and my cousins ??processed the work and holiday visa for Sweden. Our idea is to be a few days before in Spain. With Elina we spent time in New Zealand with the work and Holiday visa. I love animals!! I studied veterinary medicine for two years but for family problems I left. My sister and brother-in-law are veterinarians and I currently work with them. When I was in New Zealand I really felt sad to be away from animals. I missed a lot
the contact with animals and especially my dog ??called Umma.. I didn't know you could take care of pets, and when I met this I loved it! I am excited to share my time with animals when I travel.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elina, 34 Jahre alt, shop assistant, Freund
Enzo, 29 Jahre alt, employee, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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