Jose y luciana c.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Über Jose y luciana c.

43 Jahre alt | IT / Real Estate


Allow us to introduce ourselves:

I (Jose) am a freelance IT professional and my wife (Luciana) is a part time home decorator and au pair.

We are a hard working, honest and cheerful couple, currently living and working in Madrid, Spain.

We have been using Airbnb for the past 3 years as hosts. Please contact us for the link to our public profile, so you can scroll through our guest and host reviews, so as to acquire a better idea of who we are.

We are animal lovers who actively participate in cat rescuing activities here in Madrid.

We have 2 rescued cats (a stray and one involved in an accident), which have been permanently adopted by us.

Its in our nature to help out whenever possible, we always try to be patient and caring to others.

We believe that we can care for your property and your pets, whilst giving you peace of mind.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

I (Jose) speak fluent English and Spanish and my wife (Luciana) only speaks Spanish but can understand English.

We reply asap to all messages :)


Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Karla, 45 Jahre alt, Real Estate, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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