Kylie d.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Kylie d.

36 Jahre alt | Senior Client Services Manager

We're a couple in our late 20's/early 30's who have been living in London and travelling through Europe for the past two years.

We're originally from Perth, Australia, and decided to move to London for a couple of years for the change of environment, experience, memories and to use a European base for travelling throughout the continent.

Our time in London is now coming to an end (as Kylie's 2 year visa is now expired) and we will be travelling through Europe in summer 2020 on a budget to have a final fun and exciting experience before heading back home to our family and friends who we've missed so much.

We love experiencing new things, cultures, food and people. Our style of travelling is exploring during the day or night through walking tours or with guides and in the late evenings (and after a rest!) going to local restaurants, cafes and places for local food and drink. This makes us so suitable for house-sitting and pet-sitting. We won't be coming in and out at random times in the day or evening and we'll always be around at some point during the day to check in on the home or pet.

Having both grown up with pets (cats and dogs), we're accustomed to the behaviour and routines of animals. We're both also warm, friendly and chill people which is suitable for pets.

As a dog lover, Kylie also has experience house-sitting for friends and work colleagues who have dogs. I have house sat with a golden labrador, a staffy and a Pomeranian.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you soon ;)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Trent , 33 Jahre alt, Commercial Floorlayer, Ehepartner / Partner

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