Jerusa f.

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Chapecó, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Über Jerusa f.


I'm 40 years old, I'm an obstetric nurse, a municipal public worker. My husband João is 52 years old is a driver and truck owner, travels all over Brazil in the transport of cargo. We've been married for 18 years. Our son João Vitor is 16 years old, he attends the 2nd year of computer science technician and works at unimed chapecó hospital in the young apprentice program. We have four cats that are our passions. I've traveled in my country, Africa and Europe with lodging in nns and air bnb, hospital boat, hotels but missed animals and mine in particular. Discovering this new hosting model has made us very excited to realize our future travel dreams while having great companies and still being able to take care of pets with love and respect that far from their owners need attention in Double. You can travel quietly that your animals will be in great hands.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
João Acilio, 56 Jahre alt, Motorista, Ehepartner / Partner
João Vitor, 21 Jahre alt, Estudante, Kind

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