Casey h.

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Palestine, Texas, United States

Über Casey h.

27 Jahre alt | artist

I am a young single mom that wants to get a feel of who I am. I lost my fiancé due to a car accident two days before I gave birth to our son when I was 20. Due to the trauma I endured at a young age I am in need to figure out who I am and where I want to be. I don’t think one person should have to pick just one place to reside or one religion to study. I want to explore all aspects of life including culture, religion, food, and all ways of life. I believe getting involved with this house sitting opportunity could allow me to explore the way I want at a couple weeks at a time. I would leave my son back home until he is older. As of right now and the age that I am I want to find out who I am as Casey.

I have grown up on a ranch taking care of dogs, cats, cattle, horses, donkeys, chickens, llamas, goat, rabbit, fish, and wildlife. I have a love for animals. Growing up on a ranch has allowed me to develop strength, endurance, and knowledge. I have babysat for friends and family and friends of family since I was 11.

I am extremely trustworthy and genuine. I am hard working and I never give up. I am caring and responsible.
I will take best care of your house, animals, things

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