Linda e.

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Meylan, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Über Linda e.

29 Jahre alt | German Teacher

Hello dear House Owners!
We are a young (25 and 26 years old) french-swiss couple that loves traveling. Since I am an online German-Teacher and my partner, Guillaume, is a developer, we are very flexible in terms of length and dates of our possible stay as we can work from anywhere, as long as there is a wifi connection.

After about a year in Central America, we decided to travel through Europe. But then Covid hit and "forced" us to settle down somewhere. We are currently in Grenoble, France. Although we do love this place and the beautiful nature around, we seek something new, a new experience with a different landscape and different responsibilities.

We admire the beauty of the quiet countryside. Also, we love being outside and connecting with nature. After being in quarantine for over three months last year, it's safe to say we are happy with having each other's company without seeing anyone else. Our eight months old crossed Bobtail completes our little family. He is an adorable, gentle puppy that gets along with every dog.

After staying in countless Airbnbs all over Central America, we know what it means to stay in somebody else's home and we will treat it with respect.

Because of my Swiss and my partners' French heritage, we speak English, German, French, and Spanish.

We are looking forward to a new adventure

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Guillaume, 30 Jahre alt, Developer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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