Helen g.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Helen g.

39 Jahre alt | Corporate Members Customer Care at Urban Sports Club

I am a 35 years young women originally form Berlin who always wanted to try house sitting. As I have now the possibility to work remotely I decided to travel and look for house sitting houses.

I always loved to meet local people when travelling and take part in the authentic living of the people constantly living in the country.
I speek 4 languages and love to meet people from all over the world. I have a profile in hospitality club as well which I used quiet a lot when I was younger (hosptalityclub is the old version of couch surfing). I invitied many people to my home and also went to visit some trough this website.

I have a high sens of responsability and respect of other proprieies. I love to be on the country side, I love houses and I like to care for pets :)

I am looking forward to this house sitting experiences and am convinced that you will have a great experience as well when inviting me !

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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