Marie-laure p.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über Marie-laure p.

45 Jahre alt | Directrice Artistique et Web marketing

Hi !

My name is Marie-Laure, I'm 42 and mother of a 13 years old teenager which shares my life half of time. I live actually in Paris where I work as Art Director and Web Marketing Assistant. Besides my artistic and cultural passion which is my work, trips inspire and renewal my life and work.
My job leaves me time to work sometines at home so I get free for homesitting at these times !

To describe me and my qualities for homesitting I've got :

- practical sense : for chores as in case of loss I'm a very reactive person and manage immediately with every unexpected (ex. : Power failure of water, electricity or gaz conduits in case of leakage, alert of the referent contact, planning of mainenance, etc.)

- Hygien and regular care : I make regular care in house and outside, watering plants depending on self need and weather. Animals care : food, welf-feeling, hygien and regular care are given to make them patient during your absence.

- Discretion and vigilance : calm, respect of the place and of good neighborhood relationships are parts of my personnals qualities. When all my task are done I use my time between telework and walks to discover surroundings, wild nature or cultural landscape depending of the place it is.

- Respect of personnal properties : homesitting rhymes for me with personnal belonging respect ! So I travel with mine and use only the things I'm allowed to

- Well communicating and adaptation : if you need to join me for any question it will be easy and safe. I'll answer you as fast as possible and make all I can to give you satisfaction !

If you choose to trust me, it will be a first homesitting experience for me, but I'm sure my qualities can respond to you and your home's needings.

I'm getting available to consider this mission's terms, to garantee you a trip in complete serenity !


Bonjour !

Je m'appelle Marie-Laure, j'ai 42 ans et suis mère d'une fille de 13 ans qui partage mon quotidien en garde alternée. J'habite actuellement à Paris où je travaille comme Directrice Artistique et Chargée de Web Marketing. Outre ma passion pour la création artistique qui est mon métier, les voyages sont pour moi une source d'inspiration et de renouvellement dans ma vie comme dans mon travail.
Mon activité professionnelle m'offre la possibilité de travailler par périodes à distance, périodes durant lesquelles je me rends bien volontiers disponible en homesitting.

Pour me décrire briève

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Zoé, 16 Jahre alt, Collégienne/ Apprentie Danseuse, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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