Camila w.

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Blumenau, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Über Camila w.

37 Jahre alt | Bussiness administrator

Hello, we are Camila (33) and Jeano (43), we have been sharing experiences for 15 years and we have no children. We live in the south of Brazil, in the city of Blumenau, in the state of Santa Catarina. We have a company. We like to travel and meet new people but we also enjoy being at home. We are calm, responsible and caring people.
Daddies of Kika and Cacau, two lovely Yorkishires, 11 and 6 years old. We have always had the company of animals, We love animals and nature, and we love plants at home too.
We have lived together for 11 years in an apartment with an outdoor area and we are used to taking care of the house alone. For us it is important to keep the house organized and clean.
We cannot claim to be fluent in any language other than our own, but we have basic knowledge of English and are constantly striving to improve it in addition to a great desire to meet others ? For the time being we can exchange messages with the help of Google Translate.

We prefer to rent houses on our trips and we consider it the best experience to visit a new place. Is there a better way to travel and feel at home at the same time? When we travel we miss Kika and Cacau so if you give us the honor of being able to take care of your animals with all the love we feel for them we will be very happy.

We are easy to deal with the routines of a house and as we have always had contact with animals during our life we ??like to interact with them, including Jeano's parents has a pet store and veterinary clinic where we work for some time so we know how to detect danger signs and act quickly in an emergency.
Eventually we take care of the home and animals of our parents, siblings and friends so that they can travel in peace. We know exactly what you will feel, we have already done this and I know you may be apprehensive. We want you to feel comfortable and know that it will be a privilege to be at your home and we will take care of it and your pet with the utmost care. See you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jeano, 46 Jahre alt, Bussiness administrator, Ehepartner / Partner

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