Sandra a.

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Mont-de-Marsan, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Über Sandra a.

43 Jahre alt | Digital nomad

My name is Sandra, I am 40 years old and come from France. I am a digital nomade, I can work from everywhere so I decided to see the world, learn about different culture and meeting new people. I am trustworthy and love animals and nature, also I am traveling with my dog (a chihuahua). Taking care of a home and animals instead of living at hotels is the best deal for me, I used to use airbnb, I don't really like hotels. It is a good way for saving money and for helping other, it is a win/win exchange and this way seem perfect to me.
I rent an airbnb in february/march 2020 in Portugal in a big land off-grid inAlentejo, the owner needed to go to germany for 2 weeks, so she asked me if I could take care of her 5 cats, her permaculture garden for 2 weeks and of course I accepted. It was my first experience and I enjoyed, this is why I had the idea to continued on this way, she was truly happy when sue came back and I was happy for helping. Most recently I took care of my grandma's home and her dog and 2 cats, from september 2020 until july 2021 in the north of Portugal while she was in France recovering from health issues.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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