Alexis j.

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Warwick, England, United Kingdom

Über Alexis j.

29 Jahre alt | Veterinary nurse assistant

Hello! Thanks for peeking at my profile. My name is Alexis, 25 year old American born living in Warwick, England and loving every day of it. I enjoy city and country life, but prefer the country as I love to be close to nature and the outdoors. I’m currently furthering my studies in veterinary nursing, so

I’m looking to housesit in a lovely, quiet home with furry companions to keep me company while I study. I thoroughly enjoy keeping tidy and ensuring things are in order wherever I go! Maybe if you have any extra projects you’ve been meaning to get around to such as organising a cupboard or clearing out some space, I’d be happy to have a task to do here and there.
I’ve grown up around domestic and farm animals all my life, so I’m keen on loving and nurturing any type of animal you may need assistance with.

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