Jack t.

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Harwich, England, United Kingdom

Über Jack t.

26 Jahre alt | Website Designer

I'm a single 23 year old from Essex, UK. I'm a freelance web designer for my own company Web Clicks Design and I can take my work anywhere I want, so it's the perfect opportunity for me to travel and experience different countries! I've house-sat for family friends in London and Cornwall, and I loved the experience taking care of the house, garden and pets. I'm a strong lad at 6"1', so I handle heavy duty garden tasks with ease. My compassion and love for animals is another thing that made me want to house sit; I love dog walking, I'm fascinated by fish, horse and basically all animals.

I am deeply into spiritualism and meditation, I love spending time in nature working on bettering myself by meditating. I love to read enlightening articles on astrology.

My travel partner Ethan is also my business partner. He deals with sales and marketing for our web design company, whilst I focus on the actual production of web sites. Ethan is a passionate man, he loves animals and cares about community - His interests are similar to mine. :-)

We are both hard working, trustworthy and loyal. We would love to help take care of your home. :-)

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to speaking with you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ethan, 26 Jahre alt, Salesman, Kollege

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