Manon v.

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Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands

Über Manon v.

34 Jahre alt | barista

my name is manon, i’m 31 and working parttime as a baker and barista. i live in the middle of nowhere without any animals (bc i’m often away from home), and enjoy coffee, baking, learning languages, climbing, the sea, nature, yoga, being active and all things paper and stationary.

id love to take care of animals for people in cities, to have a welcome change of pace every once in awhile. i love the options and possibilities cities can bring, i just cant handle the busy-ness of living there full time. if i can combine my love for cities with my love for animals and taking care of them, sounds like the perfect holiday destination or getaway to me! =)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch | Chinesisch

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