Maria belén g.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Über Maria belén g.

26 Jahre alt | Engineering and Develpment Aid & Cooperation Student

My name is Belén, I’m spanish/Chilean, 23 years old (don't let my age take you aback!). Im on my last year of an engineering degree, (my interest however is in the development cooperation field in which I’m already experienced and am going to finish forming myself in).

I’m a very adventurous and independent person, I’ve been travelling&exploring the world alone since young. I’m social, open minded and like sharing, engaging myself with people and creating community wherever I go. Time in solitude, however, is extremely important for me and right now I just need some space in peace and nature.

This year is being tough. Covid has taken away loved ones and has changed my life in many ways. A few months of simple life housesitting your home would definitely help me rebalance my exhausted mind&soul and do some healing.

So, I’m looking for a place where I can enjoy nature, listen to music, go for walks, spend time with your pets (if you have them, hopefully :) ),do some yoga, paint & artistically express myself, meditate, work on my degree’s final project and think on my near future and next steps in life; in essence regain my inner balance while I take care of your home as if it were my own.

I’m a highly sensitive person, and nature (contemplating, trekking, camping, etc) and interacting with animals fills me with joy and peace. I’m a huge animal lover. I’ve grown up with dogs, rabbits, turtles and birds and also have experience taking care of street dogs and cats. I love and feel comfortable around all kinds of animals. (I have a 10 year old border collie that could accompany me on housesitting, if in Spain or close)

Regarding land, I am keen on gardening, I have taken care of my family's garden for 14 years (planting/out-planting, watering, pruning, fumigating, etc) and worked in community gardens. As for house and cleaning I’m used to living in community and working with children (NGO volunteering), so cleaning, respecting and caring for the house/space is a must for me as well as doing basic maintenance/construction work.

I’m honest, caring, and very empathetic. The happiness and wellbeing of your animals will always come first ,I will give love and care to your house, garden and animals, ensuring the integrity of your property. I’m open to any task, and can adapt to different situations and people (I'm creative and skilled), just ask ! :D

Non- smoker. Driving license. Spanish (native), English (bilingual

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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