Pamela h.

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Über Pamela h.

41 Jahre alt | Realtor

People always tend to ask, “What do you do?” as a get to know you question. I prefer to ask, “Who are you?”. I am true Sagittarius female. Outgoing, strong, kind and empathetic. I want to see everything the world has to offer. What better way to do it than helping people along the way? For 13 years my sidekick was a rescued, blind, Boston Terrier, named Chloe. Now I have a Doodle named Brooks that is ready to see the world with me. I have passion for travel, cravings for nature, love for animals, and curiosity for cultures. I grew up on a ranch tending to animals and a small garden as a child. Although the great outdoors will always feel like home, I can be very versatile with anyone’s needs. I am obviously content in a quiet; secluded setting but I also have lived in Major cities such as LA, Phoenix and Denver. So whatever your home setting us, you can feel safe with me there. My passion for travel, experience with animals on the ranch, travel knowledge; history, and being a trusted Realtor in peoples’ homes, I feel confident that I am trusted person for your needs.

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