Tina s.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Über Tina s.

59 Jahre alt | Facilities Engineer/Manager

Hello! I am a strong, capable, and fit woman with a background in high tech and facilities engineering. I was raised by a master gardener and have always had multiple dogs, cats and farm animals. I was raised in horse country and know how to muck out stalls, basic grooming, basic landscape and gardening, and I love dogs! I just lost my 16 y.o. Jack Russell whom I used to hike and camp with regularly in the Pacific Northwest. I’m also recently widowed, financially stable, and wanting to be nomadic for a while.
I was in the USAF for 8 years and traveled all over Europe, living in England for 7 years. I’ve climbed Mt. St. Helens, hiked all over Oregon and Washington as well as California, Arizona, and Utah. I just finished “The Narrows” in Zion from the top to the bottom. I’ve also began Kayaking and am paddling in the many rivers and lakes around Oregon and Washington.
I’ve recently sold both my homes and have a travel trailer and very nice pick up and intend to travel until I know what’s next. I aim to start writing, blogging, and vlogging as well as picking up my paintbrushes and working on my art.
I have traveled not only in Europe but have worked in Singapore and Tokyo. My job in the semiconductor industry allowed me to work with people from all walks of life and backgrounds.
I am completely unencumbered and blessed to be healthy and ready for adventure.

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