Anne D.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Anne D.

31 Jahre alt | Fresh department manager in an organic shop | Allein

Dear owners,

I'm a 28 Parisian woman. I have moved about 10 times since I was born but I've been living in Paris for more than 15 years now.

I've already been an aupair in Ireland (for 3 months) and in Australia (for 2 months). So, I'm really used to be in a new country, environment. I am not afraid of change, on the contrary !

I've got a conventional termination in order to start a freelance activity as a redactor. I love animals and travelling. I would love to associate both !
I'd like to take time to discover new places, new countries, people and landscapes (after so much time in Paris and not moving so much, except twice a year).

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich
Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nathalie f.

Marseille, France - November 2021

Venue découvrir (et apprécier !!!) Marseille, Anne a pris soin de mon appartement, et de son illustre occupante, la minouche Princesse. Un petit ennui technique l'a empêchée de me donner des nouvelles, mais tout est rentré dans l'ordre !

Manu G.

Fribourg, Switzerland - Oktober 2021

Anne was an absolute wonderful home-sitter. She kept friendly relationships with the neighbors and took good care of my cat Kheops, always trying to make it feel good. As Kheops has some stomach problems, Anne kindly looked over the internet to find a way to make it better. And it worked! :) I highly recommend Anne for further home sittings and I will definitely ask her to come back to my place when I'm away. If you want to feel in peace when you are far away from your house and pets, Anne is the perfect candidate. Thank you Anne!

Amélie d.

Ath, Belgium - Oktober 2021

You surch a trusted petsitter ? Choose Anne because she's the bestsitter i ever seen! My cats was so happy with her: i received a lot of photos and videos. You can trust her. She's an intelligent person who respects the rules of the house, who communicates a lot, who give a lot of time and patience to animals. The house was clean, the cats were in good shape. I even got delicious homemade cookis and a cute little giff...

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