Victoria r.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Victoria r.

30 Jahre alt | Tech freelancer

Hi there! We are Canadian sisters who are fortunate enough to be able to travel and live like locals via wonderful housesitting experiences. Depending on our availability and where we are currently located, we sometimes housesit individually or as just two of us.

We are self-sufficient, fully covid vaccinated, non-smokers who can work from anywhere, are avid walkers, and spend most of our leisure time immersed in our quiet pursuits; reading, writing, cooking [we're fruit & veg fiends], photography and exploring outdoors. We take pride in being reliable, communicative and respectful of others' homes, especially when it comes to keeping the spaces we live in clean and tidy.

Our curiosity for different places, people, animals and experiences makes housesitting an ideal fit for us. Continually adjusting to new living arrangements can be a challenge, but it's one we thoroughly enjoy. We love spending time in novel environments and have always found caring for animals to be a wonderful addition to our adventures. On top of preventing your pets from being separated from the environment they are most relaxed and secure in, we are thrilled to be able to enjoy some furry, feathered or scaled company during our travels. After so many housesits, we're still continually surprised and humbled by how much animals have to teach us.

Housesitting on and off for years means we are well accustomed to troubleshooting issues both in and around the house. It has further afforded us extensive experience with a wide range of dog and cat breeds, running the gamut in terms of age, health, personality, levels of activity and overall routines. We have also had the pleasure of caring for farm animals, poultry, fish, reptiles and birds. We genuinely enjoy tending to an array of different animals and are happy to learn and take on the responsibilities of a pet we haven't cared for before. Working from home means we are able to shift our schedules according to the specific needs of the animals we look after. Our priority is making you feel comfortable and secure in your decision to entrust us with your pets and leave your home in our hands.

Thanks for taking the time to read our profile! Please feel free to contact us if you think we'd be a good match for your home.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Katherine, Andere
Rebecca, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Christine c.

Clermont-Ferrand, France - Juli 2023

Victoria et Catherine sont 2 jeunes femmes Canadiennes qui aiment voyager ; ce sont des personnes ouvertes et très agréables : le contact est très bien passé entre nous ; elles ont accepté de venir garder nos animaux pour une semaine début mai 2023 C'était leur premier séjour sur nomador cependant elles ont fait de très nombreux pet sittings avec d’excellents commentaires sur des sites internationaux que j ai consultés Elles se sont très bien occupé de la maison et surtout elles ont chouchouté notre équipe chats et chien ; elles nous ont donné des nouvelles; elles se sont promené dans la campagne avec Moka, notre chien , qui adore ça ; elles ont câliné nos chats qui, au vu des photos , ont beaucoup apprécié ! Tout s’est très bien passé et nous avons vu à notre retour que tous nos animaux les avaient complément adoptées. Nous aurons grand plaisir à recommencer l’expérience Nomador avec elles et nous les recommandons très vivement comme home sitters de confiance .

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