Katherine c.

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Ellicott City, Maryland, United States

Über Katherine c.

27 Jahre alt | Graphic Designer

Hi! I'm Katherine, and I'm looking to house sit so that I can experience other places on a budget.

After graduating from college last year, I've been working remotely as a graphic designer. I love to travel, and have done so many times as solo trips, as well as with friends and family. These experiences have made me self-sufficient.

As the planner of my friend groups, my sense of responsibility often has friends & family reaching out to me when they go on vacation. I've looked after the plants & pets of family and friends, and have house-sat for people anywhere from a few days to three months!

While I do not currently have any pets, I always took advantage of friends and family who did. I am open to interacting with any kind of pet, and will ask for any specific needs to ensure that you feel you are leaving your housemate and space in safe hands.

I'm happy to elaborate on anything you may be curious about, but the bottom line is that I am a trustworthy traveler trying to get a change of pace during the pandemic. House-sitting is a perfect way to combine my love of animals as well as my love of traveling!

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