Valerie Rose

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Valerie Rose

31 Jahre alt | School Teacher | Allein

Hello there!

I'm a Canadian gal with a deep love for travel and teaching. I am a nature and health enthusiast with a desire to protect and conserve this beautiful planet. I have been traveling and teaching abroad for the past few years and have immersed myself in a variety of projects. These projects include permaculture work exchanges, turtle conservation projects, scuba diving and marine conservation projects, leading beach cleans as a member of the Surfrider Foundation, and volunteer teaching in local community schools in countries such as Colombia, Nicaragua, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Aside from community and humanitarian involvement, I have house-sat on numerous occasions with responsibilities such as animal care, garden maintenance, specialty plant care, and general cleaning of the house. All experiences were pleasant and hassle-free. I am respectful, honest, reliable, and trustworthy.

I am fascinated by culture, people, and places and will continue this journey of discovering the world. I am adventurous, kind, and compassionate and would love the opportunity to experience and nurture the beautiful home you have created.

Let's connect :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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