Elmar r.

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DO, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Über Elmar r.

55 Jahre alt | Lehrer

we are Antje & Elmar (52 years).

We are a quiet, reliable and meditative housesitter couple from Germany. We are non-smokers, fully vaccined and we speak German, English and Spanish.

We are German teachers and are teaching online.
The little C-virus has given us a big impact and shortly after the lock-down in Spain we started working online and now enjoy being flexible and being able to work from almost every place in the world - if fast and reliable internet (Wifi) is provided and we have the space to be able to work at the same time.
This is our basic need!

Some time of our day we spend with Yoga, gymnastics, meditation and creative, healthy cooking – and some hours we work. But usually not more than 20 hours a week. This means there is a lot of time left to feed and pamper your pets.
We would say from ourselves, that we are conscious persons and always treat our fellow human beings as we want to be treated. And we treat every place, as that, what it actually is - our own precious home.

Respect, openess and honesty is the basis for any harmonious being together.
We take nothing for granted and are grateful for the life we have.
And we are also grateful for the places, that are offered to us.
Our experience is, that the more you share, the more you receive in life.

We have quite a bit experience with all kind of pets and domestic animals.
Especially cats love our meditative energy and we love to do our mediations with cats. But we also love dogs and all kind of domestic animals. So far, we have already made experiences with cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, chickens, goats, geese and turkeys...

And of course, we also share our bed with your pets, if they are used to it... (-;

And we have also made some experiences in taking care of a garden and plants. Some years ago, I have been responsible for a big garden of a charity organisation for one year. And Antje certainly has the „green thumb“ for plants, as we say in Germany. Everything will get our loving attention.

Although, we are new to this platform, references of our last house-sits can be provided, if requested.

What else is important for us:
We are preferably looking for sits of 4 weeks or longer duration.
As we don´t go by car, it should be possible to reach you by public transport. We don´t mind to take a taxi for the last 10km.
But a good supermarket for the daily needs with reasonable prices should be in walking-distance (30 minutes).

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Antje, 54 Jahre alt, Lehrerin, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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