Tereza b.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Über Tereza b.

27 Jahre alt | music teacher, student, singer

Hi there, we are young active, responsiblne, cleanly and non-smoking couple from Czech Republic at age 25. We lives, work and study in Prague right now, but we both come from countryside.

We really love traveling, knowing new places, cultures and meeting people and that’s why we choose this website. That's mean we don't mind stay at one place also for a longer time! We also love animals, but we can't own them because of our time consuming work and small flat we lived. So this is also ideal, perfect opportunity to spend time with them and looking after them with lot of love.

During „corona years“ (yeah, we hope that these times are definitely away) we bought and reconstructed our flat (our current home) in Prague, so we know well, how is it to take care of home.

We are musicians, music teachers, singers and songwriters so we can write music and work on computer online. Thats why we can stay in your housesitting for a longer time, if its needed. But we also would like to visit some places nearby your home and make some short trips during the day sometimes.
We hawe car we can take with us in the centrale evrope, to be more flexible. So if your pets loved traveliing, we really like to take them with us everywhere that you wish.

Patrik comes from a small city but now, he is a proud „Prague citizen“. He also rents 3 flats owned by his family. So he knows how important is to trust someone who lives in „yours“ and also knows practical things around houses and flats. He sometimes look after his parents dog when they need.

Tereza comes from a little village. She grew up in a big house with big garden, small fields and lot of animals like dogs, cats, cows, sheeps, pigs, chickens, rabbits,… She was aleso active horserider and she was spending every afternon and weekends on a horse farm from her childhood to your high school. Now she work also as a horese riding instructor and caretaker in equestrian club near to Prague every summer for a three years. (We can send you any references from her boss). So we should be well prepared for looking after your pet (or pets) and your garden.

Our main language is English (yeah, number one is Czech language of course, but I don’t think that’s its important). We can also converse in Deutsch and Franciaise but on basic level.

Sometimes we looking after dogs or houses/flats of our friends or relatives.

Here are some references when we are looking after flat

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Patrik, 27 Jahre alt, Czech, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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