Julia P.

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Zagreb, Croatia

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Julia P.

55 Jahre alt | self employed | Allein

I have moved from Australia to my birthplace Croatia. I speak fluent English and Croatian and can navigate my way through Italian as well.
Previous business owner in Australia looking after luxury holiday homes for 15 years. This gave me the opportunity to meet many people with whom i gained trust and respect from .
Lover of Art, architecture, with interior design being one of my greatest passions. and travel mainly to experience the culture.I have travelled extensively throughout parts of Europe.and am self sufficient, a great problem solver and am very reliable.. I possess great attention to detail and am a design and clean freak, borderline OCD !!
Very active , love hiking, walking and yoga.
Adore Animals and they love me:)
Previous owner of a labrador for 17 years
Pet and house sat large homes in Australia and Croatia for a few years.
Indoor plants are my weakness!
That’s me :)

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