Yulia K.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Yulia K.

53 Jahre alt | petsitter | Allein

My name is Yulia, I am 50 years old and I am a pet sitter. I am a Spanish sitizent.
I lived in Tokyo for 15 years and worked as a tour guide there. For the last 10 years I have lived in Madrid, have Spanish citizenship and work as a pet sitter.
My profiles are on gudog.com https://gudog.fr/caregiver/bookings?tab=past and on Animalin https://en.animalin.com.
I also have a profile on airbnb with reviews of how I know how to use someone else's house and rent my own https://www.airbnb.ru/users/show/12999006.
I also have over 20 home holiday exchanges.
And now I am in France for six months volunteering as a housekeeper and pet sitter https://helpx.net
I want to try myself as a professional travel pet sitter.
I love animals very much and they love me back. I have a lot of experience and knowledge in animal psychology.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Russisch | Japanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ines d.

Paris, France - August 2022

It's was a great great pleasure to have Yulia taking care of Penny and my appartement. She is a quiet person who gives news often. She is really sympatic and it was a peaceful experience for me and for Penny (the cat) ! Thanks for everything Yulia, it was perfect and you can go with your eyes closed.


August 2022

Yullia is a great pet sitter ! She took amazing care of the cat, fishes, shrimps and plants. The house was perfectly clean. She is a great person with a great heart ! I strongly recommend her !

Marie t.

Paris, France - Juli 2022

Everything went super well! Yulia is an amazing cat-sitter! She went above and beyond to fulfill the reservation despite train strikes, she took really good care of Cléo and send me videos regularly and left the apartment super clean. Thanks Yulia!

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