Mariana A.

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Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Mariana A.

56 Jahre alt | Profesor | Allein

Hi ...
. I hope this email finds you well!
Let me introduce myself so you can get to know me. My name is Mariana, I am Argentinean, 57 years old and I'm retired.
I have worked as a teacher for 35 years, and now it's my time to explore the world! I am currently telecommuting for @viajandovivoblog.

I have always had pets throughout my life: dogs, cats, and fish. Currently, I have three beautiful cats. Taking care of pets and houses is not new to me as I have done it many times for friends and neighbors in my country before, and it is an experience I absolutely enjoy.

I feel that taking care of someone's pets who do not know me is a great responsibility, hence it is an honor to be trusted with such a lovely task. If you would like to get to know me better, I'd like to invite you to visit my Instagram @marianalba1 or find me on Facebook as Mariana Albamonte.

I am very excited about this new experience and hope we can meet soon. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for anything you may want to ask.

My Best regards,


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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gerardo, 47 Jahre alt, Sailor, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nelly m.

Toulouse, France - Juli 2024

Une homesitter adorable, ponctuelle, souriante qui a bien pris soin des mes chats. N'hésitez pas à l'accueillir chez vous. Pour moi, j'attends juste qu'elle puisse revenir pour que l'on puisse passer un peu plus de temps ensemble.

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