Trina D.

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Santa Rosa, California, United States

Über Trina D.

48 Jahre alt | FILM & TV PRODUCER/CONSULTANT | Allein

Trina: I am fortunate to work as a digital nomad consulting on film & TV projects and am currently navigating a move into travel and travel media entrepreneurship which (gratefully) allows me to take care of your homes and fur babies!

Hello! I am a responsible, reliable, honest, and adventurous 47 year old woman who loves to travel. I would be absolutely honored to take great care of your home and pets while you are away. I am an extremely neat, laid back, and creative person who will care for your home and pets as though they were mine. I come alone, no pets, spouses, no family or friends. I will give updates with pics and video as often as you'd like and encourage you to communicate any time and as often as you need to.

**I will arrive early on my own dime to allow for transportation delays. I will want to meet with you and your fur babies so that we can all be familiar with each other.

I am respectful and well mannered and I do not smoke or drink. I have backpacked 31 countries and have traveled to 40 out of 50 States. I am a photographer, film lover (no surprise), lover or art and architecture, and I am a traveler and not a tourist! I consider myself a local when house sitting in your area and I take the time to learn about your community. I am an avid walker/hiker and enjoy exploring cities by foot and public transport. While English is my first language, I am conversational in Spanish and enjoy learning other languages.

*Available across the United States and in Europe. I have lived in and/or traveled over 3x to: The UK, France, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Spain.
*20+ years house sitter expertise
*Excellent references, clean driving record, and background check
*Health and eco oriented.
*For house sits on the US West Coast, I prefer to bring my car to you.
*I am fully vaccinated and prefer non-smoking homes.

I am new to this site but not to house sitting. References sent upon request.

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