Fiona S

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Bellingham, Washington, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Fiona S

61 Jahre alt | ARNP | Als Paar/Duo

I am a nurse/nurse practitioner who has worked for 43 years over 3 continents. I set out from Australia after becoming a registered nurse at 20 years old to see the world! I have worked in Canada, Great Britain and America. We have traveled extensively but I still think my favorite travels are the mission trips I have done - so rewarding. I met my husband, Dale, in Canada and we have been married for 33 years. We have one handsome son who has travelled the world as well...has lots of his mom's genes ;) We are soon to retire and have decided to see more of the world. Our last loving cat died a couple of years ago and we decided to travel before we look for another friend to share our home. We have always had cats, I got my first one at 6 years old. Our last two, black and white girls, lived with us for 16 and 19 years. Our beautiful dove lived with us for 20 years. We love any animal, well maybe not snakes, and believe house sitting with pets is a perfect combination for us and you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dale, 61 Jahre alt, Welder, Ehepartner / Partner

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