Patricia H.

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Andratx, Balearic Islands, Spain

Über Patricia H.

65 Jahre alt | language coach | Allein

I am a single, mature traveller who loves meeting people and learning about their culture. I believe in leaving things the way you found them, or ideally, even better.

I am very positive and live a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy a serene environment.

I normally travel with Airbnb but the option of looking after a cat is even better:): A REAL HOME!
I have had cats literally since my birth and adore them.
I have not yet used this site so there are no reviews about me but here is an example of the reviews about me from Airbnb:

“Patricia was a kind guest, courteous, tidy and always smiling! She left the room in perfect condition. 100% recommended! “ - Benedict

“Patricia was an insanely nice, straightforward, and clean guest, as our first Airbnb guest, we couldn't have asked for better. She is always welcome to stay with us again :) “ - Rebecca

“Patricia has stayed at my place for few days. She was very social and friendly guest. She is welcome back at any time... “ - Roni

“Patricia was a great guest. Very friendly, clean and quiet. She can come back anytime. “ - Martin

“Patricia was a very friendly, communicative and considerate guest. I enjoyed meeting her and would host her again anytime in the future. I would highly recommend her to other hosts. “ - Andreas

“Patricia is a lovely, very dynamic woman, with whom it is very easy to communicate. I will receive it again without hesitation. “ -

I was born and raised in London, later moved to Germany but have been living on Mallorca for many years.
The Mediterranean life attitude appeals to me.

Mit Google übersetzen

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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