Marilyn W.

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South Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Marilyn W.

72 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

Margaret and I have known each other for 55 years. We are healthy, physically fit and have adult children and grandchildren.
Due to work and family commitments, we have been unable to travel and experience Europe to be able to fulfil our dreams.
We decided a while ago that we would like to travel and housesit overseas. We experienced it first by sitting in our own own state South Australia. We have house-sat both together and separately in country towns and Adelaide suburbs.
We will be in Budapest on 26 June this year and thought how wonderful it would be if we could continue on in Europe.
Margaret and I have had pets in the past cats, dogs and turtles in my case. We now dog sit for our families and grandchildren’s dogs when the families go on holidays.
We have attached photos of our homes, gardens and the family dogs we dog sit for, and a cat Margaret looks after on occasions.
Margaret owned an Australian native flower farm over 10 acres for 16 years which she recently sold. We are both keen gardeners.
Both of us enjoy painting with acrylics and sketching for our own homes and gifts. Margaret paints, beautiful Australian natural flowers and myself a variety of designs. During the winter, we kept busy by knitting scarves for charity and socialising with family and friends.
I also volunteer for a charity OzHarvest.
Both our partners work away for long periods of a time, which means Margaret and I are able to travel at our leisure.
I hope this information meets your expectations.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Margaret Mead, 72 Jahre alt, Retired, Freund

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