Evelyn R.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Evelyn R.

25 Jahre alt | Teacher | Allein

Hello there! I'm Evelyn, a passionate secondary school History teacher based in the vibrant city of London. While my weekdays are spent immersing young minds in the tales of the past, my weekends and summers are dedicated to finding tranquility and joy in nature.

I share my home with a playful and charming cat named Milo, who has not only become my feline companion but also a source of valuable experience in caring for our furry friends. Milo has taught me the art of patience, love, and the importance of a good scratching post!

Outside the classroom, you'll find me exploring the great outdoors. Hiking and swimming are my go-to activities, offering the perfect balance to the busy city life. There's nothing quite like unwinding with a captivating book amidst the tranquility of nature.

I have a deep-seated love for adventure and am no stranger to extended travel. Exploring new places and immersing myself in diverse cultures have become integral parts of my life, adding to my adaptability and flexibility.

I am eager to discuss how I can be the ideal pet sitter for your lovely home and adorable animals. If you have any questions or if there's more information you'd like from me, feel free to reach out. I am thrilled at the possibility of becoming part of your pets' lives and ensuring they feel loved and cherished in your absence.

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